Baby freebies are a great way for new parents to save money on essential baby items. These freebies can range from samples of diapers and formula.
These freebies not only provide financial relief for new parents but also allow them to try out different products and brands.
Additionally, baby freebies can also be a source of excitement and anticipation for expecting parents, as they eagerly await the arrival of their little one.
Boots Parenting Club, From the moment you find out you’re pregnant until the day your child turns 5, become a Parenting Club member and enjoy all the benefits!
How to get free nappies?
Pampers Club to receive offers in your inbox and earn free nappies.
Ella’s Kitchen, As a special friend, you’ll get instant access to a FREE digital weaning guide + when your little one reaches 12 months, you’ll also have access to a handy guide to feeding toddlers
We’ll also send you a useful weaning chart + free vouchers** in the post as well as regular emails with lots of weaning tips, recipe ideas, offers + more!
Enfamil Family Beginnings
As a member of the Enfamil Family BeginningsĀ® program, you may be eligible to receive free formula samples, earn cash back rebates and a chance to win free formula for a year.
Free Baby Guides
Our Free baby guides are comprehensive resources that provide parents with crucial information and advice on raising a child. These guides cover a wide range of topics, from pregnancy week by week, your baby’s development to caring for a newborn and navigating the challenges of raising a toddler.
All our guides are free can also be printed, allowing you to keep information accessible at all time.
Baby Poo Colour Chart
Babies poo colour chart guide is a helpful tool for new parents to understand the different colours of their baby’s stool and what they may signify.
This chart includes a range of colours, from bright yellow to dark green and even shades of brown. It also includes descriptions of the texture and consistency of the poop, such as runny or firm. This guide serves as a reference point for parents to keep track of their baby’s digestive health and detect any potential issues.
This guide can help ease the anxiety and concerns of first-time parents who may be unsure about what is normal when it comes to their baby’s bowel movements. Overall, the babies’ poo colour chart guide is an essential resource for parents to monitor their baby’s health and ensure they are getting the proper nutrition.
Toddler Reward Chart
Our free toddler reward chart is a useful tool for parents to encourage positive behaviour and instil good habits in their child.
The benefits of using a reward chart include promoting self-discipline, increasing motivation, and fostering a sense of accomplishment.
By setting achievable goals and rewarding the child when they reach them, a reward chart helps toddlers learn to take responsibility for their actions and work towards a desired outcome.
It also serves as a visual reminder for the child to stay on track and serves as a positive reinforcement for good behaviour. This can be especially helpful for children who may struggle with certain behaviours such as potty training or bedtime routines.
Development Milestones from Birth to 5 years
Development milestones from birth to 5 years guide is your comprehensive resource that outlines the typical physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional milestones that children reach during their first five years of life.
This guide serves as a valuable tool for parents, caregivers, and educators to understand and track a child’s development, ensuring that they are meeting age-appropriate milestones. It covers a wide range of areas including language and communication skills, fine and gross motor skills, social and emotional development, and problem-solving abilities.
By following this guide, parents can gain a better understanding of their child’s growth and development and take necessary steps to support their child’s progress
Feeding your Baby
Feeding your baby is an essential part of their growth and development, and as a new parent, it can often feel overwhelming trying to navigate the world of feeding.
That’s where our feeding your baby guide can come in handy, this guide is a comprehensive resource that provides parents with all the necessary information, tips, and advice on how to feed their baby in the best possible way. It covers topics such as breastfeeding, formula feeding, introducing solid foods, and managing common feeding problems.
With the help of this guide, parents can feel more confident and equipped to make informed decisions about their baby’s feeding journey. It can also serve as a useful reference for any questions or concerns that may arise along the way.
Pregnancy week by week
Our pregnancy week by week guide is a comprehensive resource for expectant mothers and their partners, providing valuable information and support throughout each stage of pregnancy.
This guide provides important information on fatal development, allowing parents to track their baby’s growth and development throughout the nine months.
By following a pregnancy week by week guide, expectant mothers can gain a better understanding of what to expect during each stage of pregnancy and feel more prepared for the journey ahead.
Teething Chart
Our teething chart is a helpful tool for parents to track their baby’s teething progress. It is a visual representation of the different stages and timing of when a baby’s teeth are expected to come in.
This chart displays a timeline with the average age range for when each tooth erupts, as well as the specific order in which they appear.
This information can be useful for parents to know what to expect and when to expect it, as every baby’s teething experience can vary.
Our chart can also serve as a reference for any concerns or questions about a baby’s teething process.